Psychological/Medical reportsMultipurpose intake and reports

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The PsycWriter Program - Streamline the entire evaluation process!

Same-day turnaround reports, enormous timesaving, high quality comprehensive reports, electroni records of your patients are only some of the advantages of using the PsycWriter.


The PsycWriter doesn't just make the report writing process much faster and a lot easier; it introduces maximum efficiency and greater organization to the entire evaluation process.

The program creates high quality professional reports with your own language and style. These reports will appeal to everyone from the layman to healthcare professionals to legal experts.

No more paper work, no more retyping and copying and pasting, no accidental wrong names and pronouns.

  Increased revenue – higher client satisfaction! PsycWriter Image
  Now you can dedicate a lot more time and energy to your patients. That means better care, faster service, and higher patient satisfaction. More time and standardized process means more patients which leads to increased revenue.
    Schedule a live demo
  Is this true or just hype?

What happens when you are able to automate the data collection, management, and reporting process?

When you have one program that can create all sections and parts of your reports without exception based on your customization!

When you, your patients, and your staff can enter the data quickly and easily to simple forms from a computer, a tablet, or the web, and have the data written automatically into the report!

When interpretive statements automatically added to the report based on the scores!

When you can add diagnostics and recommendations by selecting from simple drop down lists!

When superior quality reports are created from the entered data with your own language, style, and ability to revise anyway you choose, and require very little editing after being created!  

What happens is that you are now saving 50-75% of the time spent on the entire evaluation process, adding greater efficiency and organization, and enjoying higher quality outcome.

This is no longer a dream. It is now a reality, and it is at your fingertip.


  How does this work?
Contact us for more details

First we help you install and configure the program; this involves setting up the history sections and narratives, create the electronic questionnaire, adding tests, configuring interpretive statements, and entering your recommendations into the database.

We provide templates that you can use to help setup or add to your own configurations. You can always make changes and improvements to your configurations over time.

Once the initial customization is complete, all your data will be available through easy to use forms. Entering patient data now takes only few minutes. The program will automatically create charts, tables, add interpretive statements based on patient scores, and create a full comprehensive assessment report that require very little editing.

Depending on your customization, the report information (headers, narratives, charts, tables, etc.) can be written using any order you prefer. And you can have multiple templates if you need to.


We will install the program for you free of charge.

All reports are created in M.S. Word format and can be edited as needed.


The PsycWriter is HIPAA compliant, all software components reside securely on your local computer or network. All data remains confedential and encrypted using multi-level scalable security options.

Let's get started..